Welcome to the Team, Andrew Leonardi

In August, we welcomed Andrew Leonardi to the ONeil Interactive team as an Account Manager. His enthusiasm and  interest is felt already and we can’t wait for you to meet him. For now, here’s an opportunity to get to know him a little better 🏄  💻 🐶 ✈️ …

1. Tell us what you do at ONeil Interactive?

At ONeil Interactive, I’m the Homefiniti Account Manager, which means I’m here to make sure our clients always feel like they’re in great hands. My job is all about building strong relationships with our builders, keeping them happy with everything we do, and making sure things run smoothly behind the scenes. I have a background in web development, so I really understand the tools we use and how they can best serve our clients. I’m all about staying curious, learning something new every day, and doing whatever it takes to keep our clients and team moving forward together.

2. What did you do prior to coming to work with us?

Before joining ONeil, I worked at a few different agencies, with my last role being at a Shopify agency in NYC. That job was pretty cool because I got to travel between our offices in New York and London, working with clients across different markets. For the past several years, I’ve been running my own web businesses, which has been a wild and rewarding ride! It taught me a lot about entrepreneurship, staying adaptable, and always finding new ways to solve problems.

3. Where have you lived? Where do you live?

I’ve moved around a lot! I’m originally from Colorado and South Carolina, having lived in both. Most recently, I lived in NYC for about four years, and then, thanks to the flexibility of running my own business remotely, I had the amazing opportunity to live in the Caribbean for two years. That was one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had. Now I’m back in Charleston, SC, but I’ll be heading to Boston before the end of the year for a new change of pace.

4. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Japan is definitely at the top of my list right now! My best friend just spent a month there, and his stories have me itching to go explore the culture, the food, and all the amazing sights. I’m especially excited about visiting Tokyo and Kyoto—there’s just so much history and modernity blended together. Beyond that, Bali is also high on my list, especially for the incredible surfing it offers. I’d love to spend some time there catching their famous waves. Plus, the food and the culture are pretty amazing too!

5. Tell us about your pets, family, etc.

My girlfriend Victoria and I are super excited because we’re planning to get a puppy in the next few months! We’ve been doing a lot of research and are torn between getting an Italian Greyhound or a Whippet. If anyone has experience with these breeds, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Either way, we can’t wait to have a little four-legged friend in our lives.

6. What’s something fun about you?

I’m really into surfing, it’s my go-to way to unwind. I took up surfing while living in Barbados, where the waves werealmost perfect. That passion eventually led me to live in Folly Beach near Charleston, where I could keep up with the surf scene. When I’m not out on the water, I’m a huge tech geek. I love keeping up with the latest in tech news, especially anything related to AI. I’m obsessed with how AI is changing the world and can spend hours diving into the latest developments.

7. What’s something that has really surprised you about the homebuilding industry?

I come from a family with deep roots in real estate, my grandparents owned a real estate company in Florida, my dad held a real estate license for years, and I have two uncles who’ve been incredibly successful, one in mortgages and the other as a property auctioneer. Despite this background, I’ve been genuinely surprised by how many tech companies it takes to make the real estate and homebuilding industry thrive. The level of innovation and the variety of tech solutions designed specifically for builders is pretty mind-blowing. It’s been really cool to see how much technology is involved in making the process of building homes more efficient and precise. It’s a whole new side of the industry that I didn’t fully appreciate before.

8. What are you most excited about doing at ONeil?

I’m really excited to combine my tech skills with my experience working with clients. It’s super rewarding to help clients reach their goals, and I’m thrilled to be part of a team that’s all about innovation. Plus, I’m looking forward to diving deeper into the tech side of real estate—there’s so much more to learn, and I’m excited to soak it all up.


Jenna Schwartz

Jenna Schwartz

Senior Project Manager

Juggling an ever-changing portfolio of digital projects, Jenna's job is to find out what our clients want and the best way to make it happen. Delivering a new lead-generating website or an updated feature that's even better than expected: mission accomplished.