When the Numbers are Too Big to be Relevant

I’ve started to get a bit numb to the huge number of stats regularly thrown about regarding the use of social media. Yes, I am impressed at the growth and the impact of the social web just like most others, but it’s gotten more than a bit concerning recently. First, I’m concerned that the hype surrounds the statistics themselves, not the impact of the tools. Second, the numbers have become just too big to be relevant to at a personal level – and personal is the glue that holds all things social together.

I’ve written about social media hype before, and I’m going to talk more about it in a future post, but here I wanted to share just a few thoughts about the numbers.

The media coverage of social technologies lately has been something like “300 million this,” “1 billion that,” and “4th largest country.” The numbers have become too large to be relevant to the individual user, but music to the ears of a spammer.

Telling me 300 million people are doing whatever may be something I find interesting. Telling me 100,000 people share my interest in a topic will grab my attention. Telling me 1,000 people enjoy my favorite past-time every day is intriguing… But telling me 5 of my friends are doing something will make me move.

While we don’t have a tool (yet) to break down online activity by topic in this way, I came across this great counter that does help to make the numbers a bit more manageable. By making the counter start at zero, users can get a sense of the speed of conversation, instead of just the volume.

Thanks to http://personalizemedia.com for making such an awesome tool embeddable.

Dennis O'Neil

Dennis O'Neil


Dennis has spent over 22 years using the internet to sell and market new homes. He blogs about internet marketing for home builders here, wrote a book about technology's impact on the sales process, and is a respected speaker on advanced internet marketing and the online sales process.

  • http://twitter.com/KCCompany KCCompany

    Cool tool.. have you looked at 360 and some of the other social media tracking tools?

  • http://www.dennisoneil.com dennisoneil

    I have seen some of Radian 6's tools, as well as a few others. Its quite a task to collect all of the conversations about a brand on the web that can essentially start and end anywhere – a bit like herding cats. There is, however, no doubt as to the value of such a tool.

  • http://twitter.com/vargasl Lauren Vargas


    It is important that when you set up your topic profile within adian6, you have the correct combination of keywords so relevant conversations are collected versus noise. That is why we are there to help our customers every step of the way so they can get the most out of the tool.

    Lauren Vargas
    Community Manager at Radian6

  • http://www.dennisoneil.com Dennis O'Neil

    Your presence is a clear indication of Radian6's abilities to find the right conversations. Thanks for your comment.

  • http://www.dennisoneil.com Dennis O'Neil

    Your presence is a clear indication of Radian6's abilities to find the right conversations. Thanks for your comment.