I must confess that I am writing this in the evening hours of November 5th. It’s actually my birthday today (Nov 5 – mark your calendars and respond accordingly next year with cards, flowers, and Reece’s Cups ;)) and because of that, I’m taking a day off tomorrow to relax and enjoy a long weekend. Before I depart, here’s the news of the week.
As you can imagine, the election dominated the news cycle this week. While I currently don’t know the results of the presidential election as I write this, one thing we do know is that California’s Proposition 24 bill passed. It expands CCPA and closes a loophole in the state’s current privacy law that lets major tech companies continue to target ads with user data, even when users opt out. How this plays out and impacts advertising targeting has yet to be determined but we will of course keep you posted.
Less news and more interesting read is this piece from Street Fight Magazine about the dominant online force that is Google. They’re spending the month focusing on the behemoth which I found even more interesting once I saw that proposition 24 had passed. I’m pretty, pretty sure when they say “major tech companies”, they really mean Google and Facebook.
Even NAHB weighed in with thoughts on how the election will affect the housing market. “NAHB’s near-term priorities remain passing another coronavirus relief package and ensuring that the lumber, building materials and housing supply chain continue to recover. Longer-term efforts will focus on ensuring a strong economy and creating a regulatory environment that supports housing production.”
I sincerely hope that after this week of uncertainty, you too enjoy the weekend. Here in the Maryland area, the weather couldn’t be better! And maybe by next week we’ll know who the next President of the United States will be.