Back to School-ONeil Edition

Returning back to school was always a bittersweet experience, you didn’t want summer to end but you were excited to get back and see your friends and peers. It was fun going back to school shopping and getting new clothes and supplies that fit our ever changing styles. Everyone had their favorite school supplies that they just could not start the school year without. I asked our team to tell us some of their favorite school supplies; to add a little fun I asked for some throwback school pictures. See if you can guess that team member! In case you’re not familiar with everyone, check them out here 

A planner is still this team member’s favorite thing to get ready for the year. Her fave brand: Simplified. And as for pens, she needs all of the colors with her favorite kind being Papermate inkjoy gel .7 Any guess who this might be? 

Back to school for this member was choosing the latest Trapper Keeper to have for the year.  Some were solid colors, others had picture themes, or images from the latest Movie/TV show. 

Her favorite school supplies were yellow & green highlighters. They helped her stay focused while reading textbooks and made reviewing/studying for a test less daunting. Take a guess! 

She always needed a fresh ‘daily agenda’ and the variety pack of Sharpie Highlighters (for color coding) to start her school year because she is/was obsessed with organization!


Her favorite school supplies were anything by Lisa Frank:  folders, trapper keeper, pencils; can you guess this ONeil team member?

This ONeil team member’s favorite school supply was anything blue, from folders, to binders and pens. If it was blue it was perfect! She also loved picking out the coolest book bag she could find. 

I’m sensing a trend because more than one team member thinks Trapper Keepers are where it’s at. See exhibit b and c as follows. His favorite back to school item is the trapper keeper. He definitely would not have enjoyed starting school without it. 

She had to have a brand new Trapper Keeper every school year with a cool design and it was definitely a bonus if it was Lisa Frank.

This ONeil team member’s school year must have was locker decor; basically anything cool they could find to hang inside their locker. This is their 11th grade picture…can you guess who this may be? 

Guess what! As you can tell, Trapper Keepers are super popular with our ONeil team and they’re still on sale at most stores with some new designs; you can pretty much customize your own. 

I still remember most of my first days of grade school and how excited I was to wear my new outfits and show off my new things. Sometimes it’s fun just to reminisce on life before the bills and housing markets and everything in between. Oh to be a kid again.

Taylor Lynch

Taylor Lynch

Taylor is our Jr. Digital Strategist, she assists and supports the marketing and projects team by establishing, maintaining and promoting the best possible online presence for all ONeil Interactive clients with lead conversion as the top priority for all initiatives.