One of my favorite parts of working at ONeil is observing the evolution and growth of my fellow team members. When you see someone take steps towards leadership and get excited about making an impact in the organization, it can be truly inspiring. Over the past four years since Molly White came on board as Digital Strategist I have witnessed tremendous development both personally and professionally. It is with great pleasure that I announce the well-earned promotion of Molly to Digital Marketing Manager.
Molly’s digital savvy, penchant for sharing her knowledge, and willingness to take on new challenges makes her the perfect fit to ensure the digital roadmap outlined by the marketing team, aligns with clients’ business goals in the pursuit of ongoing client happiness. She is the sole author of the weekly ONeil Edit (subscribe here if you want it in your inbox) and spearheads our bi-weekly Facebook Live series Homefiniti & Beyond. Molly is always looking for the latest, greatest and most beneficial strategies that we can implement into our marketing plans. And if you’re looking for a good recipe or a solid sale/coupon code, she is your go-to gal.
Please join me in celebrating Molly’s new role!