Thursday’s Can’t Miss Sales and Marketing Sessions – IBS 2020

It’s Thursday, the final day of the International Builders’ Show, are you still hanging on? There’s still some amazing knowledge nuggets on the agenda so don’t lose steam now! These sessions will help end your week at IBS 2020 on a high note.

Business Transformation for the Post-Digital Age
Speakers: Game Changer- Tom Goodwin, Zenith Media
Thursday, January 23 | 8:30 – 9:30 AM
Location: LVCC – Spotlight and Game Changer Session – South 223
Why it’s Can’t Miss: If you’re not familiar with who Tom Goodwin is, here is a bit about his influence in the world of marketing. Our ears perk up whenever we hear the words “post-digital” because who can ever imagine a world without digital? We’re interested to hear what’s on the frontier of marketing for homebuilders and Tom is just the trailblazer to lead us in the discussion.

The 7 Secrets of Creating an Award-Winning Company Culture
Speakers: Chris Hartley, Trendmaker Homes, Rhonda Conger, CBH Homes, Chad Sanschagrin, Cannonball Moments, and Alyssa Titus, Schell Brothers
Thursday, January 23 | 8:30 – 9:30 AM
Location: LVCC – South 227
Why it’s Can’t Miss: Every great company builds from the inside out. An organization’s culture and brand identity define how they go to market, how they interact with their customers, and what future success looks like. If you’re going to learn tricks of the trade on how to strengthen this infrastructure, there are no better teachers than this panel of home builder brand giants.

5 Mistakes Builders Make with Google Ads & How to Fix Them 
Speakers: Andrew Peek, Do You Convert
Thursday, January 23 | 10:15 – 10:45 AM
Location: LVCC – Tech Bytes A – South 229
Why it’s Can’t Miss: We speak from experience that implementing a successful paid search strategy is not for the faint of heart and Google doesn’t make it easy with their constant evolution of their Ads platform. Andrew is one of the best when it comes to managing paid search for home builders, so we recommend taking notes on this one.

Presale Without Fail: The Secret to Launching New Communities with Maximum Results
Speakers: Kevin Oakley, Do You Convert
Thursday, January 23 | 10:15 – 11:15 AM
Location: LVCC – South 221
Why it’s Can’t Miss: It probably wasn’t intentional for the education committee to pit two DYC team members in the same time slot on Day 3, but we’re going to make you choose which one you attend 🙂 We know most every builder can relate to the challenges of going to market with a new community and Kevin is back on stage to help you launch an air-tight, pre-sale initiative to come out of the gates swinging.

SEO Demystified: The Truth About Getting to the Top
Speakes: Dennis O’Neil and Megan English, ONeil Interactive
Thursday, January 23 | 12:00 – 12:30 PM
Location: LVCC – Tech Bytes A – South 229
Why it’s Can’t Miss: The ONeil team has their work cut out for them during IBS 2020 with roughly a half-dozen speaking engagements, but Dennis and Megan bring it home with one more session on the always-abstract topic of SEO.  We’ll clear up common search engine optimization misconceptions and give you actionable ideas to improve organic ranking.

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Megan English

Megan English

A homebuilding industry veteran and a marketer at heart, Megan makes it her mission get to the core of what you're trying to say and then find the best way to say it online. If you can get a few leads and laughs in the process, mission complete.