There are two words in the world of online marketing that can make digital strategists alike beam with exaltation. Those words? Measurable data. Online initiatives often provide an insight to performance and consumer behavior not available with traditional marketing channels. Thanks to such tools as Google Analytics, we can track web traffic and conversions with much greater accuracy. So why not take this same principle of performance assessment and apply it to how we run our business?
ONeil Interactive takes a strong interest in the marketing decisions builders make each year, as well as the success level of these decisions, how they impact the bottom line and what effect they have on future plans. We feel it behooves us all to share these trials and tribulations so we, in turn, can all make smarter moves.
For the past three years, the Pulse survey has given us the opportunity to poll our industry peers and provide actionable data based on the results. We’re at it again with the Marketing Pulse 2014! As always, we’ll drip these tidbits of wisdom out during the 2014 International Builders Show in Las Vegas, but we need your help! Please take fifteen minutes of your day and contribute to this year’s Marketing Pulse by taking this brief survey. Feel free to pass it along to other marketing professionals…the more the merrier.